Environmental Assessment Summary
As part of the early stage of the development, Aberdeenshire Council issued Pre-Application Advice and an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Decision. This determined that due to the scale of the development, a full EIA Report was not needed. The Pre-Application Advice outlined what areas required study and assessment to ensure that the Proposed Development does not have a significant adverse effect on environmental factors.
A detailed supporting information package for Aberdeenshire Council as part of the planning application.
This package will include studies on the proposal’s compliance with national and local planning and energy policy, relevant environmental regulations and considerations, and the potential for any impacts.
Assessments of the impacts of the proposal on the following sensitivities are being undertaken:
» Landscape and Visual;
» Ecology and Ornithology;
» Noise;
» Hydrology;
» Archaeology and Cultural Heritage; and
» Transport and Access.
The BESS design will take the key findings of the studies in to
account to ensure the proposal is sensitive to the surrounding environment.