Landscape and Visual Impact

Components of this development have been chosen to create a simple, non-obtrusive, coherent scheme in the landscape. The landscape is characterised by agricultural development and renewable energy schemes. This site was chosen in part due to the predicted low impact on the landscape.

Scheme Design

The landscape and visual impact assessment methodology incorporates guidance produced by The Landscape Institute.

The suitability of the BESS design and its location is being assessed in the context of the surrounding landscape character and nearby landscape designations. An assessment of the visual impact at viewpoints, such as residential dwellings, popular recreational sites and key transport corridors is also being undertaken.

Viewpoints, including settlements, roads and recreational locations, will be submitted for the assessment of the planning authority.

Landscape and Visual Assessment

Photomontages are being prepared from key viewpoints and provide an impression of how the BESS would appear if constructed.

The landscape and visual assessment will also include zone of theoretical visibility maps (ZTVs) and detailed landscape character assessments. The image above shows a ZTV of the development. Cumulative effects with other energy developments and the potential for impacts may also considered.

Emphasis is being placed on minimising impacts to the existing landscape character and valued views, whilst still maximising benefits from the operation of a BESS in close proximity to the Strichen Grid Supply Point.