Planning Policy

There is national and local planning policy that is relevant to this proposal. They have informed the design and siting of the development.

National Policy

National Planning Framework 4 (NPF 4) is the key policy document that informs development management in Scotland. Since its adoption in 2023, it has dictated that development should facilitate sustainable, livable and productive places. It has put tackling the climate crises at the forefront of development priorities and many policies within it focus on supporting development that contribute to the just transition to net zero.

NPF4 can be viewed here:

Local Policy

Aberdeenshire’s Local Development Plan (LDP) 2023 is the local authority policy that applies NPF4 on a local level. It highlights the priorities for Aberdeenshire and identifies key areas for development in line with the national policy. Like NPF4, it focuses on tackling the climate crises and achieving net zero. It also provides guidance on creating successful places, expanding on six qualities identified in NPF 4: distinctive, safe and pleasant, welcoming, adaptable, efficient and well connected.

The LDP can be viewed here:

A full planning statement will be submitted as part of the application to demonstrate how the Proposed Development complies with the relevant policy.