Planning History

In 2018, a 25MW Energy Storage development was consented on the site of the Proposed Development (planning application reference APP/2018/0526). The site layout is pictured below.

In 2022, in response to an increasing demand for battery energy storage for renewable energy, the scheme was redesigned to accommodate a further 24.9MWh of storage (a total capacity of 49.9MWh). Two public consultation events were held in 2022/2023 for this design.

 Since that time, the design has been refined to be the most suitable layout for the development and to minimize impact on local sensitivities. This is the design that is presented to you today. Although the layout has changed since 2022, the capacity has not.

Approved site plan for 25MW scheme (APP/2018/0526)

Proposed site layout for 2022/23 public consultation